Saturday, June 29, 2019

Summer Is....

Just a little note first.....
Most of the words in this poem are not mine. The words come from random people. Here in Denver, Colorado by the art museum, one can fill out a tag saying what summer is to them. One side of the tag says "summer is" and on the other side is where one writes whatever. Then one can hang their tag on one of the ropes or tag tree for display. It's a neat display and interesting to read. A lot of them are pretty much the same sayings but some were different and unique. I got inspired to take some of those sayings and put them in a poem. A few lines towards the end are my own but for the rest I can't take credit for since they belong to the people that gave their words. One section of the poem is all from one person that put a lot on one tag. I also posted a few of photos of what the displays look like and the tags. Enjoy :)

Summer Is...
The kiss of a warm breeze, a hug from the gardens
Long lazy days
Sleeping in
Bare feet
Time with friends and family

Summer Is...
Bucket list
Ice tea
People trying new things
Cold drinks
Porch swings
Good books

Summer Is...
Like a box of chocolate, you never know what you're going to get
The beach
Late sunsets
Being sweaty and eating cold watermelon
A cold drink on the porch

Summer Is...
Most memorable when campfire conversation heats the creative in everyone
Porch dinners with good friends
Baseball games

Summer Is...
Being in this amazing space, on vacation with my daughter
The warm sun
Cooling off with water fun
Summer movies
A reason to smile

This is what summer means to us, what does it mean to you?

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Don't Want/Do Want

Don't want to be told to smile
To be judged
For there to be racisim around me
Don't want to be told
I need to talk more
Joke that I don't say much
Or just mention how I don't talk much
Don't want to be left alone
Ignored or disrespected
Don't want one to assume things about me
When they don't take the time 
To get to know me
Don't want to be pushed aside
Or looked at like I'm stupid
Don't want fake smiles and fake friendships
It hurts more than being honest

I do want to be understood
Without judgement
To be listened to
I do want to be liked for who I am
To be accepted
Including my flaws
I do want to feel welcomed
To be made apart of things
I do want someone to be there for me
During the bad and the good
Just like I will be there for them
I do want to be let in
To be there for someone
During the good and the bad
I do want good friendships
To be comfortable with
To trust with my everything
To be silly and stupid with
Doesn't everybody?

We Are One

We are all humans On a big rock Floating in space With invisible borders That only we created We may all look different Sound different Act ...