Tuesday, November 20, 2018

What Is She?

She glides through the air
Above the old town
Searching for a child
For a family who needs her help

She descends when a family is in need
Helping the kids
Bringing songs, lessons and adventures
Helping parents learn
A few things about themselves too
She stays for a little while
Till the wind change
Till it's time
With her never ending bag and talking umbrella
Up she goes
To find another family

Who is she really?
What is she?
Is she an angel?
Or possibly a God?
Maybe something from another planet
Or universe
Maybe she is just a human
With special powers
Helping out one family at a time

**Thought of this while watching Mary Poppins

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Furry Friends

Furry friends do so much
They make us laugh
They make us smile
They don't judge us
They just love us
Furry friends entertain us
They run around chasing nothing
Pounce at us
Play with us
Or they just sit there staring at us looking cute
Maybe plotting revenge
Furry friends like to get in the way
But never on purpose - or is it?
They try to talk to us
Thinkin' we understand them
Furry friends are soft and cuddly
Just don't squeeze them to hard - oops
They're always there when we need them
They even cuddle us to show they love us
Furry friends don't want much
Just love
And lots of attention
Furry friends get into mischief

We love them
Even when we get annoyed with them
They are to cute to stay annoyed
Furry friends....just so awesome

We Are One

We are all humans On a big rock Floating in space With invisible borders That only we created We may all look different Sound different Act ...